Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche Visits the Stupa
Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche of Shechen Monastery visited the stupa and recited the Aspiration prayer of Samantrabhadra.
Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche of Shechen Monastery visited the stupa and recited the Aspiration prayer of Samantrabhadra.
Lama Chodrak visited us the week of July 12 sharing an abundant Sang offering to the Crestone community. Khenpos Jigme and Lopsang from Vajra Vidya added their exuberant spirits. David Wright took the photos.
A beautiful warm June day for Saga Dawa. The offerings were the sweetest and most delicious smelling. Eagles flew above. Happy Birthday Buddha!
We have pledged to participate in Naga pujas as a way to help with the serious water problems here and in the world. Our first puja began in the worst snow storm of the year.
Earth Day Celebrations at the Tashi Gomang Stupa in 2015 was shared by many two and four footed members of the Crestone community. The Sadhana ended with blessings given by each person to each other by presenting white katas at the end. To read the Zoe’s Earth Day Sadhana.
Ringu Tulku Rinpoche’s long awaited visit to Crestone from October 9-13th was one of the highlights of this year. His organization, Bodhicharya and Steve Winn arranged his teaching schedule here. He stayed in Chester Wood’s house, managed by Barhara Falconer and assistant Zoe de Bray and taught on the 6 page Mipham teaching, LAMP THAT
Photo of Karma Thegsum Tashi Gomang near the end of a gloriously wet summer by Dana Bove.
Khenpo Jigme and Khenpo Lobzang of Vajra Vidya Retreat Center joined celebrants in performing Sang offerings, prayers and songs praising His Holiness and aspiring for his life to be long and his dharma activities to flourish.
Don’t forget Thursday’s celebration of HH Karmapa Orgyen Thinley Dorje’s birthday!