KTTG is sad to say goodbye (again) to retiring director Zoe DeBray. She has been an inspiring leader, initiating many projects to maintain the stupa and grounds, growing KTTG into a stable organization, and last but not least, diligently working to find a qualified successor.
Zoe says…
Seems a little silly to be saying goodbye again. I’ve loved this work; work that came late in my working life that was the most satisfying of any. I’ve felt that I could use lots of what I’ve been trained to do; sometimes in creative ways. Everything in life so far seemed to come in handy. I’ve felt enormously blessed in being a caretaker in the Tashi Gomang Stupa’s life; enormously rich in the relationships with all of the people who have helped over these years. So many of you remain my dearest friends and part of this community I love.
The Blog has tracked many of the events and teachers who have come these years, beginning with Khenpo Karthar Rinpoche’s visit in March 2010 when I met the Tashi Gomang Stupa for the first time. The finish on the Stupa and years of harsh climate had made cracks and bubbles on the surface everywhere. Refurbishing was our first task together as a KTTG team in 2010. It happened effortlessly, miraculously. Those first six months were among the happiest of my entire life.
I end my days of work here hiking to the Stupa. It is one of the great loves of my life. It holds the relics of those who achieved ultimate freedom and unconditional love for all; the building and then the refurbishing brought out the highest in all of us. Through the examples of those Masters, may each of us continue along the path of genuine practice.
Thanks and love to all of you, Zoe
And KTTG is delighted to welcome Rene Evenson as our new director. We’re very much looking forward to working with her — she’s already coming up to speed and making things happen.
Rene Evenson has been a student of the Karma Kagyu school of Tibetan Buddhism since the 1970s. She has held several administrative positions at dharma centers, including six years as the external affairs director at the then Rocky Mountain Dharma Center (now Shambhala Mountain Center). She comes to KTTG from the City of Fort Collins Utilities, where she spent fourteen years working with residential and small-to-midsized commercial customers.
We had a small celebration to thank Zoe and welcome Rene. In the photo, both dressed in black, Zoe is seated on the chair, and Rene is standing to her left.