This Sadhana is made available for personal or group use.
Om Ah Hung. We sing our prayer to the Earth our home today.
I take refuge in this very moment with all of you seen and unseen who care about the Earth today____(fill in the day and date)_________________.
I take refuge in the present so that the past may once again flow.
I take refuge in the present so the doors to the future remain open to wholesomeness.
I take refuge in the 3 times that all beings, the earth, air, fire, water, space may be held in loving full awareness and heal. May I walk in harmony with the Earth, all people and the elements.
I take refuge in the heart of hearts which is at the center of our life on Earth.
I take refuge in the heart of hearts at the center of the heart.
I take refuge in the heart of hearts which is at the center of our universe.
This is the center of our humanity, our human gift. May we remember it always so everyone may benefit.
I honor Earth Air Water Fire Space.
I remember and sing praises to all who have dedicated their lives to opening their heart and following the path of the heart. May I too follow your examples.
We are beings connected with golden lines each to another. I remember the golden lines of connection to every one here both seen and unseen. When I remember, these lines glow gold and ever stronger. Truly this is who we are.
Earth Air Water Fire and Space how could I forget my most intimate mother father sister and brother? How have I forgotten my true family? Today from every day onwards I remember you.
O you who are Lovers remember to honor the ground of your love.
O you who are Mothers and Fathers remember to follow your parent, the Earth, in patience and strength and nurturing– caring for all .
O you who are children, Brothers and Sisters, Puppies and Colts, may you always play and laugh and sing within the safe loving arms of your family.
O you who are Seers do not forget any of us in your panoramic vision.
O you who are Healers, remember this Earth and the elements that give you medicine for us all.
O you who can hear all our voices and know the needs of the heart behind the heart, remember to Guide truly from your center in sacred balance with this Earth.
O Dancers, Singers, Painters, Planters, those who Craft and Sew and Join and Put Together and then Take Apart–take your cues from the One.
May I hear how to act, how to speak, how to live in the continuous song of these connections. When the golden lines between us glow all are sustained and flourish. May this light always guide the way to live in harmony with each other, all beings and our Earth. Earth, may I be keyed to you always. May I learn to dance this ever changing dance attuned to You, our Earth.
Earth Air Water Fire and Space how could I forget my most intimate mother father sister and brother? How have I forgotten my true family? Today from every day onwards I remember you.
Today I will rouse myself from the bewilderment, sluggishness and uncertainty that muffles your voice. Now the time has come when we are called to take action to heal, protect and save our Earth. May I hear the voice to movement and wise action. I call upon Green Tara who is the embodiment of the Mother’s Vast Compassionate and Loving Activity to stir me. Mother may I too be able to see, know and perform right action for the benefit of all.
At this time if would anyone among us would like us to remember someone or a situation of special concern, please say these names now______________. As I say your mantra, Tara, I see the green light of your wholesome activity pervade the earth and all beings. All those concerns vocalized and not, are pervaded with your loving green light.
OM TARE TUTTARE TURE SVAHA. Repeat Green Tara’s mantra many times.
To our Earth and Mother, the 5 elements, the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, all beings who guide us lovingly, we make our offering.
We offer an inexhaustible abundance of pleasing substances. The tongues of flame fill the three times. As each offering substance touches flame, an inexhaustible cloud of offerings that is most satisfying and delightful to each recipient travels to the center of the earth, to the ends of space. OM AH HUNG
From this moment on I want to be more loving. I want to be the many eyes of love that guide all my thoughts, words and deeds. No longer will I be inspired to build, protect and guard only a small personal world, taking much more than my share. I pledge my help in protecting this Earth. I promise to share, protect and provide safety for those in need. Today I remember my connection to everyone everywhere through my heart. I call on Chenrezig and all those Enlightened Beings whose actions spring from the heart for the benefit of all. Help me too to open my heart. I take my inspiration from you to care for all beings and this Earth.
At this time if anyone would like us to remember a person or situation of special concern, please offer these names now____________. As I say your mantra, Chenrezig, all beings and the Earth are filled with the pure white light of your love. The light streaming from your mantra reflects the colors of the rainbow.
OM MANE PEME HUM. Repeat Chenrezig’s mantra many times.
With these offerings the crippling results of misperception and wrong doing are removed. The completing activity of love and discrimination spontaneously adjusts the crooked and everywhere arises beauty and wholeness, refreshment and joy.
I hear the unbearable pain of the Earth. I know the suffering of humanity. I am witness to the harm to creatures everywhere. From this moment on I wish to help stop the destruction and heal the Earth. I ask to find my balance again with the Earth, fire, air, water, wind and space so we are in right relationship. I request the help of the Medicine Buddha. In your kindness help us heal ourselves from within and our precious environment. May we too tirelessly spread the azure healing light wherever there is a call to heal.
At this time if anyone would like us to especially remember a person or situation in our prayers, please give us these names______________. As I say your mantra, Medicine Buddha, all beings and the Earth are simultaneously infused and radiate your azure blue healing light. The whole world is filled with this luminous blue healing light.
With these offerings all suffering is liberated. All forms melt into amrita vast and inexhaustible. The whole sky is filled with rainbow light. Everything everywhere, Earth, the elements and all beings are seen as they truly are pure, undefiled, magnificent. The deities everywhere sing. OM AH HUNG
In this place of profound blessings and peace we have come to our senses. We make our aspirations and send our prayers to the Earth, the elements and all who are suffering. The golden lines of connection between each other and the Earth are once again strong and vibrant. Our inner compass is aligned. We can now hear what to do. We rejoice in the awesome beauty and generous bounty of our world. Thanks for this wonder! We know our place is to love each other, to help, protect and heal. As blessings and healing rain down on us all, we remember we are the blessings that help heal us all. We end by giving each one of us our blessing and receiving the blessings of all.